Saturday, August 31, 2013


So what do we think about a woman named Tiffany Cook trying to state NeNe Leakes owes her over a million dollars for planning her wedding. States that Nene paid the deposit, but not the remaining balance. My opinion is that Mrs. Leakes is way too fabulous for this we all watch RHOA we no what time it is. Maybe she thought she was apart of Nene's dream team and wasn't. Definitely will keep u updated on this.....
To be continued......

Friday, August 30, 2013

What's been going on?

Sorry my loves its been so long. I've been traveling and checking out some events to update you on.
Newport, Rhode Island is a beautiful place for a summer vacay. Great sights of the ocean, mansions on the hill, and some great things to check out. Love and I mean absolutely love the food. Great fresh seafood at Flo's Clam House. The pizza at A1 Pizza is awesome. And you have to have desert from Awful Awful.
Now I love the artist Yo Gotti so I had to go see him. The Alley nightclub Newport News, VA is not one of my usual hang outs, but I made the best of it and looked fabulous doing so I may say. Performance was definitely a thumbs down. He didn't arrive until it was time to close (supposedly getting pulled over for speeding on the way here) there was so many people surrounding him you couldn't not here him. So maybe I'll try him again idk ,but that wasn't too memorable. Unfortunately a young lady was shot and killed that nice over some senseless drama. We send or condolences to the family. People let's not make trouble for ruining two peoples lives. So ladies let's show each other how bad we are by getting great careers and living fabulous. Not pulling out weaves and looking ridiculous.
So until next time my Angels.... stay tuned.....

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sales Saturday

 Sorry so long my Angels!!!! I have been busy, busy, busy....  So I'm gonna fill your lives with the best clearance and sales offered right now. 
Lets's start with our top labels:

* is offering free shipping and return 
* summer 13 sale
* free shipping

* free shipping for orders over $150 
* has a clearance sale up to 75% off

*Forever21 printed leggings for $5
*Love of Labels boutique free shipping for the weekend code: Shippin

And for your latest fashion follows on Instagram: